Air Marble Air Purification

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Company location: Singapore


With Zero2.5 Air Ioniser’s Patented Proprietary NAIs Purification Technology, it is claimed to be able to produce NAIs equivalent to 1,000,000 trees to clean the air. Is there any source that we can cite?

 The 1 Million Trees statement is merely a comparative benchmark based on the NAIs emission (NAIs per cubic-cm) of our product against the average emission produced by a tree. On average, a tree generates less than 100 NAIs. Our ioniser was measured to exceed more than 2 Million NAIs using an Ions counter. The objective is to deliver a message on the significance of our product’s performance in emitting much more NAIs than a live tree does. Putting this in another perspective - a forest as a whole is only capable of generating 2000 NAIs.  2 Million NAIs is equivalent to 1000 forest in effect.

Can Zero2.5 natural fibre Air Ionisers remove COVID-19 from the air?

Reply:   Yes. Our natural fibre Air Ionisers have undergone an efficacy test of 1μm aerosol particles (which is a proxy of the COVID-19 virus). The efficacy of virus removal is being independently tested by Research Institutes and peer-reviewed in the OSF Journal.