Air Pressurized Dispenser

Company information

Airopack Logo


Company location

Company location: Netherlands


Powered by air

The Airopack is powered by pure clean air!  So no harmful propellants are needed to dispense your product.

Fully transparent

The fully transparent AIropack shows your customer exactly what they get! Just your product, nothing more.

Available in rPET

The AIropack is available in PET and recycled PET without compromising in performance and quality. 

360° sprayable

You can use the Airopack in any direction. Making it the most suitable and safe product to use where and when you need it the most.Outperforms Airless


No Strokes-to-Prime

Low Force-to-Actuate

Works at Any Angle

Complete Evacuation (98-99%)

Consistent from Start-to-Finish