An Air Source Heat Pump Is Up To 300% Efficient.
An air source heat pump is much cheaper to run than the most economical fossil fuel boiler. Air source heat pump provide a real alternative to oil heating. In fact, a heat pump is up to 300% more efficient than an oil boiler.
Energy prices are rising! Alternative heating options are needed for our homes. Air source heat pumps are solutions that offer real “fuel security” give you more control of your energy costs.
How Does Air Source Heating Work?
A fridge chills the inside by taking out the heat and losing it from the back of the fridge. Air source heat pump systems works like a fridge but in reverse.
Reversing this process, an air source heat pump absorbs heat from the outside air.
The air source heat pump heat compresses the warmth and transfers it to your home’s central heating and hot water system.
Air source heat pump generates up to 70% of heat free from the air and it is reliable even when the temperature outside is down to -20°C.