Air Source Heat Pumps

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Sunlite Group

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Company location: United Kingdom


Our top-performing Air Source Heat Pumps take energy from the air and convert this energy into heat.Sunlite is a supplier of air-source heat pumps, our range of air source heat pumps are available from 5kW to 16kW. We can supply the pump only, or a complete pack and a storage cylinder containing everything required for the heat pump to work as a heat source in your project. We are merchants of Daiken and world heat cylinders.Air Source Heat Pumps can be used to heat your home and water. They move existing heat energy from outside into your home. This makes them more efficient since they deliver more heat energy than the electrical energy they consume. As a result, heat-pump systems typically cost less to run than a traditional heating system.

Air source heat pumps are low-carbon, renewable energy sources. Their environmentally friendly technology can heat your home using natural ambient air from outside, even in cold weather.There are two types of air-source heat pumps, air-to-water and air-to-air. Air-to-water systems are the most common as they extract heat energy from the air outside and use it to heat water stored in a tank. In contrast, air-to-air pumps use fans to distribute warm air around your home and cannot heat water.

How do they work?

Air source heat pumps use the same technology as your refrigerator, in reverse. 

Evaporator – as the air flows over the network of tubes filled with a refrigerant, this refrigerant will gradually heat and transform from a liquid to a gas (vapour).

Compressor – an electrically powered compressor compresses the refrigerant vapour, increasing the temperature so that it’s high enough for use.

Condenser – This warm refrigerant passes into a heat exchanger, which condenses the vapour into a high-temperature liquid. This liquid will move through your chosen heating system, e.g. underfloor heating, to warm your home.

Expansion Valve – Once the liquid refrigerant passes through the expansion valve, its temperature & pressure will slowly decrease, and the cycle repeats.

Renewable, Green energy

A little goes a long way – heat pumps only need a small amount of electricity to complete their energy absorption & distribution process. 

Over 300% energy efficient – for every 1kWh it uses, AHSP’s produce and emit over three times that.

Reduce your carbon footprint – air source heat pumps are a form of low carbon heating as they use outside air to heat your home.

Long-Lasting – air source heat pumps take two days to install but can last for longer than 20 years.

Low maintenance – requires minimal cleaning every two months and an annual service.