Airdog X8 - Air Purifier

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Company location: Ireland


Ultra-fine particles are now being attributed to health issues such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, heart disease and stroke. The Airdog filtration is the only technology capable of capturing these particles. Airdog’s X8 with its high CADR and CCM positions it as a performance leader.


For occupied indoor spaces, no harmful by-product or emissions emitted. Contaminants including bacteria and viruses which are captured within the unit are killed and inactivated eliminating the possibility of secondary pollution or harm.


Different from traditional HEPA passive filtration. Airdog’s TPA technology is active filtration, using high voltage to eliminate viruses, bacteria and other harmful airborne contaminants that are drawn in from the surrounding environment.


A washable reusable design, no disposal of used filters helps to save our environment. HEPA filters are made from non-recyclable material and need to be replaced regularly, causing extra burden on our environment.



Airdog’s washable filtration means no purchasing of replacement filters. This technology alone makes Airdog the most efficient air filtration system on the market and most economical option for clean air.