Aker Carbon Capture

Company information

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Aker Carbon Capture

Company location

Company location: Norway


Aker Carbon Capture is a leading carbon capture provider.We strive to mitigate the environmental cost of industry for a brighter, more sustainable future.

Our Advanced Carbon CaptureTM technology has been applied across a wide range of industries onshore. We also offer an offshore version addressing emissions from oil and gas production. Our products and solutions cover both mid-range and large-scale emitters.

Just Catch

Aker Carbon Capture offers standardized carbon capture plants named Just Catch, for delivery of pure CO₂ for various applications. The plants are easy to fabricate, transport, install and operate. This solution entails/includes several other advantages, such as compact design, short delivery time and low cost. The first contract is signed for delivery in the Netherlands. The solution is offered as a turnkey solution. For selected models of Just CatchTM, other business models are offered .

Just Catch Offshore

Decarbonized solutions for the oil and gas industry are high on the agenda for both field operators as well as floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) leasing companies. The Just Catch Offshore module is tailored for new FPSO units, as well as offshore installations in general, reducing the emissions from gas turbines onboard. Just Catch Offshore™ can provide CO₂ savings above 90% and is both environmentally and financially advantageous, compared to other alternative decarbonization alternatives.

Big Catch

We design and deliver both medium and large-scale industrial carbon capture plants, called Big Catch™. The large-scale industrial carbon capture plants are custom-made and cover capacities > 400 000 TPA into the millions. All our plants are based on the Advanced Carbon Capture™ process technology and the proprietary solvent S26.