Alpha 311

Company information

Alpha 311 Ltd Logo

Alpha 311 Ltd

Company location

Company location: United Kingdom


How does it work?

Let’s look at a roadside application:

Our turbines are attached to existing lighting columns close to roads, where they can harvest the massive, untapped energy produced by moving vehicles.

Think about the last time a car or truck rushed past you. That power and energy is what we’re collecting.

Cars and trucks aren’t going away, so let’s make them work for the environment and for local communities.

Local energy production serves local demand and reduces transmission costs, and that reduces costs for the end customer.


Electricity flow up to street lights

Sensor array

Bearing collar (under protective hood)

Alpha 311 Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

Electricity flow down to the power grid

Street light column


How the Alpha 311 vertical axis wind turbine works

How is Alpha 311 different?

Local communities receive power

Retrofit design means our turbines can fit onto existing infrastructure (for example, lighting columns)

Smaller than traditional turbines

Cheaper to build and install

360° blades harvest energy from all angles


Generates energy without natural wind

Smart sensors gather granular, localised data