Our experienced arboricultural consultants offer expert advice and provide a wide range of arboricultural services for every stage of the development process
The Ecology Consultancy is part of Temple Group Management, a group of companies providing comprehensive ecological, sustainability, planning and arboricultural services throughout the UK. The majority of the arboricultural consultancy services are delivered through our sister company Arbeco.
Arboricultural Services
With a wealth of experience across a large number of sectors and project sizes, our in-house arboricultural consultants provide high quality arboricultural services and surveys and assessments to meet the requirements of your project at pre-application, construction and post construction stages. They can also work closely with our team of ecologists to develop bespoke strategies for individual developments with the aim of meeting and exceeding the requirements of your project.
Our Services
Tree Survey and Tree Constraints Report (BS 5837)
Arboricultural Impact Assessment
Arboricultural Method Statement
Tree Protection Plan
Arboricultural Supervision and Site Monitoring
Mitigation Planting Plan
Landscape Planting Plan
Gaining Planning Permission
The procedure of gaining Local Authority planning permission for development often requires the need for supporting arboricultural surveys and reports. Our team of consultants can provide you with expert advice and high quality surveys and assessments to to help you achieve successful planning applications.
Fully Integrated Ecology and Arboricultural Services
As an industry leading ecology consultancy with multiple regional offices and a large experienced team we are able to offer our clients a fully integrated service across our in-house arboricultural consultant and ecology functions, which could be invaluable in streamlining the development process and helping you make both time and cost savings to your schedule.
Our arboricultural services include: Tree Survey and Tree Constraints Reports, Arboricultural Impact Assessments, Arboricultural Method Statements, Tree Protection Plans, Arboricultural Supervision and Site Monitoring, Mitigation Planting Plans and Landscape Planting Plans.