Assorted Coffee Paper and Tea Paper – 100% tree-free paper

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If this is coffee, please bring me some tea; If this is tea, please bring me some coffee.We have both!

5 varieties of assorted coffee tea paper. 5  of each = 25 papers.

Assorted paper created from the coffee husk and tea leaves, this paper is one of a kind.

Colours vary from light, dark brown to a deep blue-grey hue.

The assorted coffee tea paper is handmade and uses no chemicals

The papers are internally sized and can be used for calligraphy, art and painting

The husk turns into a pulp, and there you have yourself a gorgeous, rebellious sheet of coffee paper.

Dry husk can also be added onto the paper giving it a texture quite unlike anything we have seen…

These papers are made from secondary waste and here the water is recycled.

100% sustainable paper, eco-friendly, recycled and upcycled paper

Choose tree-free paper. Save trees

These papers are perfect to create interesting notebooks, journals, books covers, tags, invites, bags.

So wake up and smell the tea or the coffee…

100% recycled, upcycled and sustainable.

Natural textured paper


From 150 to 200 GSM

Pack of 25 sheets

Size – A4