Australian Bio Plastic Biodegradable Mulch Film

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Australian Bio Plastics

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Company location: Australia


Fully biodegradable agricultural mulch film must meet rigorous standards to ensure it is both effective and environmentally friendly. In Australia, this includes compliance with AS 4736-2006, and internationally, with standards such as EN 13432.

Compliance with AS 4736-2006:

To adhere to the AS 4736-2006 standard, plastic materials must satisfy the following criteria:

  • Biodegradation: At least 90% of the plastic material must biodegrade within 180 days in compost.
  • Disintegration: A minimum of 90% of the plastic material must disintegrate into pieces smaller than 2 mm within 12 weeks in compost.
  • Safety: The resulting compost must have no toxic effects on plants and earthworms, ensuring environmental safety.
  • Hazardous Substances: The presence of hazardous substances, such as heavy metals, must not exceed the maximum allowed levels.
  • Organic Content: The plastic materials must contain more than 50% organic material.

International Compliance:

The raw material used in producing Australian Bioplastics' biodegradable mulch film is also certified as "Biodegradable in Soil" according to the EN 13432 standard, further ensuring its environmental compatibility and effectiveness in agricultural applications.

This compliance guarantees that our biodegradable mulch film is not only effective in supporting agricultural needs but also contributes positively to soil health and sustainability.