Back to Earth Straw

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Company location: United States


A 100% eco-friendly straw that performs just like plastic.

Enjoy the drinks, the convenience, & the hygienic properties of straws, without the messiness of paper straws, without any impact on the environment.

Sustainable without compromising performance

While the Back To Earth Straw looks, feels, and acts just like a plastic straw, it’s created with biopolymers made with ingredients that are biodegradable in compost, soil, water, and marine environments, that will be naturally consumed by microorganisms, rather than remaining as microplastics in the environment.

Back To Earth decomposes wherever it is discarded, whether in the compost bin or the garbage. It actually leaves no trace. Microorganisms in nature treat BTE materials as food, and break them down naturally into carbon dioxide and water. BTE materials — Cellulose (wood) and Acetate (from acetic acid, vinegar) — do not remain as microplastics in the environment due to their inherent biodegradability.

We’re excited to be launching this truly innovative product, & to continue offering truly innovative, sustainable, reliable, convenient, & safe foodservice solutions during these times.