Bamboo Comb

Company information

Plastic Free Baby Logo

Plastic Free Baby

Company location

Company location: United Kingdom


Meet Panda Packaging's beautiful bamboo cups. An eco-friendly product for all you eco-friendly souls. We're taking it back to nature, just as Mother Nature intended it to be. Handmade from 100% ethically sourced bamboo, this cup is a daily essential for your drinking necessities. From delicious hot steaming coco to ice cold refreshing smoothies, our bamboo cups will have you sorted.

At Panda Packaging their new and innovative approach takes the actual bamboo pole itself, and a machine called the 'CNC machine' shapes out of the pole, to create their products. That is how they are able to avoid any other material, such as plastics, being involved. There's no hidden plastic, as in other similar products.

Panda Packaging is a passionate team of divers, scientists, engineers and designers dedicated to changing the world in a positively impactful way, their mission to repackage the world and turn the tide back on the devestating effects of plastic pollution. Panda Packaging was founded in 2018 by Mahliha and Jack, two divers, observing the negative impacts of single use plastic in their daily environment, the sea and the oceans.