BetterAir Probiotic Purifiers

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Earth Save Products Ltd Logo

Earth Save Products Ltd

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Company location: United Kingdom


The Biotica800 sprays an ultra-fine mist of probiotics into your indoor environment – purifying the air, surfaces and objects all around it.

Controls Odour: Our ®Enviro-biotics™ consume the bad bacteria that cause unpleasant household orders, including those caused by pets.

Boosts immunity: Helps create a simple, natural and optimally-balanced environments that our bodies were designed to live and thrive in.

Reduces mould: Helps create a simple, natural and optimally-balanced environments that our bodies were designed to live and thrive in. 

Chemical-free: The ®Enviro-biotics™ are 100% organic and contain none of the harsh chemicals found in many standard household cleaning products.

Safe for humans & animals: Our research team has formulated the most beneficial and safe strains of probiotics. They are all-natural and perfectly safe for your entire family.

Discreet design: Our patented diffuser releases an ultra-fine mist of probiotics that transform into living micro-organisms that outnumbers and helps eliminate mould spores.