Bio Air Cushion

Company information

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Company location

Company location: Sweden


"By not using plastic, you not only get very cost-effective and efficient protection for your goods, but also a product that is extremely sustainable and environmentally friendly. We use 100% cornstarch for this bubble wrap. This means that the air cushions are completely compostable. The bio air cushions are available in different sizes on request. Air cushions are suitable as edge protection and for cavity filling.

Air cushion cushions are particularly suitable for filling large cavities and for fixing and cushioning square goods. However, since they are not as pliable and flexible as air cushion mats , they are not suitable for wrapping round and fragile goods, or for filling smaller cavities, such as as an intermediate layer for surface protection."

Sustainability Score

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Product Labels

Here a quick overview of the product’s environmental characteristics. The more labels, more sustainable properties!

Material Properties

Compostable Cornstarch Based Bioplastic