HFMD Hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD) is caused by the Coxsackie virus and Enterovirus 71, is present all year round in Singapore. Outbreaks do occur in childcare centres, kindergartens and schools. Our experience, coupled with our state of the art decontamination equipments, enables us to meet best practice guidelines and the application of Aegis Microbe Shield® technology helps reduce the growth of pathogenic microorganism on the treated surface
Hospital Decontamination
Nosocomial infections have recently sickened or claimed the lives of numerous people worldwide. AEGIS Asia provides a total solution that encompasses the complete decontamination cycle. We clean and verify the decontamination was done successfully in the occupied space and guarantee that each stage of the process is fully traceable.
Office/Indoor Premises Decontamination
Most of us spend over 80% of our time in indoors, so reducing our exposure to notorious allergens such as Mycoplasma spp, Aspergillus spp, Stachybotrys sp etc, indoor is essential for improved health. AEGIS Asia offers a wide range of innovative solutions for bio-decontamination of indoor environment and its technology is design to provide for a safe and effective elimination and reduction of bio burden within the treated premises.