Biodegradable Shopping Bag in Roll

Company information

Green Plastics Logo

Green Plastics

Company location

Company location: Sri Lanka


Biodegradable T-Shirt Bags in roll, Compostable shopping bags for retail stores, supermarkets, restaurants, farmers markets, food service and special events.  100% Certified Compostable made from Cornstarch. These bags help to eliminate regular plastic bags from our environment. When disposed, Bags will compost as naturally as food scrap. Meets ASTM D6400 & EN13432 compostable standards.

Biodegradability  3-6 months under compost condition.

100% BIODEGRADABLE & COMPOSTABLE Shopping Bag / T-Shirt Bag in Roll

Our products are totally BIODEGRADABLE & COMPOSTABLE.

Compostable material:

1.Biodegradable under composting conditions.

2.Disintegrates completely in one composting cycle.

3.Has no toxic effects and does not release heavy metals over a given value into the compost.

4.Has no negative effect on the composting process itself. In a word, the products we make are fully eco friendl