Biogone 120L Wheelie Bin Landfill-Biodegradable Bin Liner | Waste Bags

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Company location: Australia


Rubbish Bag, Bio-Gone, landfill-biodegradable. 46 x 118cm,  30 mic. Green


120+ Litre to fit 120 litre rubbish bins

Roll of 20 bags

Made with 99% post industrial recycled plastic.

Landfill biodegradable, which means they will be digested by natural occurring microorganisms in a landfill

Biodegrades 95% faster than non biodegradable bags

For more information on landfill biodegradable technology, click here.

Recyclable. As with all our landfill-biodegradable products, they can be recycled with other soft plastics. Our additive does not affect the recycling process.

Colour: Green

Also available in a carton of 10 rolls