Biomass Fuelled Generator

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Uniflow Power

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Company location: Australia


niflow Power is planning the pilot production run of the Uniflow Generator, a small scale, biomass fuelled, combined heat and power, 5kW generator. A production demonstration model has been built and is being used as a test bed for continuing work on performance of various fuels, improving efficiency of fuel use, and designing energy off takes for services such as rotary mechanical power, hot water and distilled water. Hundreds of enquiries have already been received from all over the world for this simple but revolutionary approach to creating electricity using simple, highly efficient direct combustion of woody fuels and waste, such as coconut husk or sawdust.

For more than 2.8 billion people around the world agricultural wastes, animal dung, firewood, or other woody biomass, is the main source of fuel for heating and cooking. Many of this population also have no electricity, or live on ‘poor grids’ that do not provide reliable electricity and often have to supplement power supplies using small diesel fueled generators. Off-grid rural communities and ‘poor grid’ communities in India and South East Asia are likely to be the best early markets for our first generation products. However there are also millions of households in colder climates in developed nations who still use biomass for some or all of their heating. A second generation product will be designed for the developed world markets to use fuel pellets to provide space heating, and electricity and hot water.

Global investment in small and distributed solar power systems was estimated to be more than USD $60 billion in 2015. However there is no reliable figure on the global investment into small diesel generators, although one estimate is that more than 9 million small diesel generators are sold every year.

These are added to the tens of millions of small diesels that continue to be in service as part of ‘hybrid renewable energy’ systems and as stand along generators. This is the market that Uniflow Power will address.

The boom in solar power installations has created the market skills and channels for Uniflow generators to reach and be installed in locations all over the world. The difference is that the Uniflow Generator will make power if the sun is shining or not, at any time of the day or night or year, along with at least 20kWth for hot water production and space heating.