Advanced Energy Technologies/Renewables Plus Co Inc
Company location: Philippines
Promoting Energy Crop Plantation for Biomass Power Plants
AET delivers Distributed Power Generation through the development of biomass power plants that will help industrial corporations and communities increase revenues and attain long-term sustainability. By means of a Build-Operate-Own-Transfer (BOOT) or Joint Venture Operation (JVO), AET promotes an integrated Energy Crop Plantation for Grid Connected or Captive Biomass Power Plants. Specifically, AET supports the propagation of Napier Grass and Beema Bamboo energy crop plantations in its principal markets. The objective is to secure, under long term contracts with land/plantation owners or peoples’ communities a stable feedstock at reasonable pricing schemes that can be utilized predominantly for the biomass power plants.
Creation of SPV Enterprise - A Special Purpose Vehicle or SPV under Board of Investment (BOI) registration as a pioneer enterprise, would be established by AET and its financial partners. We believe that with certain price and fuel supply supports from the energy crop plantations, superior returns on invested capital for the investors in the power plant are attainable in our principal energy markets. A key to this profitability is a competitive pricing mechanism for the plantation owners and managers.
Profitable Financing Schemes for land owners /plantation managers or peoples’ communities:
Energy Crops for Biomass Power:
Benefits of AET’s Distributed Power Generation Solution
AET helps industrial companies attain long-term sustainability by addressing production and operational problems, such as high power costs, electric power shortfall, and environmental concerns like the use of highly polluting fuel oil or effluent discharge.
The benefits of AET’s Distributed Power Generation Solution are: