
Company information

Advanced Fuel Solutions Logo

Advanced Fuel Solutions

Company location

Company location: Portugal


AFS30 and AFS90 are products obtained through the torrefaction of biomass and are intended, mainly, to replace the use of coal of fossil origin, which is the main fuel used in the production of electricity, but also as an industrial fuel in many sectors. little all over the world.

The roasted biomass, due to its 100% vegetable origin, is, after thermally processed, free of contaminating compounds, contrary to what happens with the original coals.

Advantages of using torrefied biomass over coal of fossil origin: 

Be from a renewable source;

 Low level of pollution, making it possible to meet targets for reducing CO2 emissions and providing incentives to develop alternative ways of producing energy;

 It has a lower ash content and its emissions are less aggressive to the environment;

 Significantly reduces corrosion of combustion equipment (boilers and furnaces);