Biomax Organic Fertilisers

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Biomax Green

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Company location: Singapore


Odourless and pathogen-free, the fertiliser is manufactured using our very own patented technology. Biomax Organic Fertilizer has been certified according to US, European and Japanese standard. Our fertilizer can be widely used on a broad range of plants. It consists of bioactive nutrients and organic matter.  Which not only increases yield and crop quality, it also improves soil ecosystem that enhances the sustainability of the soil by increases nutrient levels and water-holding capacity of the soil.     100% pure environmentally-friendly fertiliser Contains high organic matter content Improves water and nutrient retention in soil Encourages microbial activity in soil and thus improves soil structure Increase quality and yield Improves plant resistance towards soil-borne diseases and pests Reduces overdependence on pesticides and other chemical inputs Saves costs Rejuvenates the soil for sustainable farming Releases nutrient gradually into the soil Retail packaging comes in 250 g or 1 kg