Bush Regeneration

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Company location: Australia


Ecosure is currently delivering a showcase 200 ha koala offset for the Queensland government which forms part of the region’s largest eucalypt forest remnant.




Whether it’s small or large scale regeneration or revegetation, Ecosure’s experts in this field continue to achieve extraordinary results for a variety of clients when working to reinstate pre-existing vegetation types. Facilitating a natural area’s recovery within a set time frame and budget to meet a client’s objective takes years of practical experience and a thorough understanding of ecosystems, disturbance and the full range of restoration approaches. Ecosure’s Ecological Restoration Team has proven its expertise on many sites over the years, including multi-million dollar projects. The team is continually engaged by local and state government departments, plus private companies and individual land owners to take control of their restoration requirements.


Ecosure is in the second year of a five year Queensland State Government project to expand a significant koala corridor in south east Queensland’s largest eucalypt forest remnant, including the planting of 113,500 koala food and shelter trees. Our team take on restoration projects from conception to delivery, or work with clients to provide the overarching plan and training required to achieve the desired result. From the restoration of coastal systems to all forest types and ecotones in-between, Ecosure has the experience and expertise to assist with your restoration needs.


The team’s ability to successfully assess any site and know where and how to intervene is what sets us apart in the industry.

As leaders in ecological restoration planning, Ecosure specialists design, map and draw up practical and easy to understand ecological restoration plans that help clients with restoring their sites whether they are small, large or at a landscape level. Plans come complete with maps, species lists and expert training including weed control tips, techniques and site management. Ecosure’s ability to plan and train anyone interested in ecological restoration is world class. Our capacity to include information on threatened species and wildlife management, monitoring and evaluation, adds significant value to the service Ecosure can provide. Ecosure’s Principal Restoration Ecologist Jen Ford has 20 years’ practical experience in restoration and is one of only two accredited training assessors in Queensland for the Australian Association of Bush Regenerators.

As a specialist environmental consultancy we understand that Ecological Restoration and Planning can be complex and we pride ourselves in conducting a detailed assessment and delivering practical, current ‘best practice’ restoration approaches with the ability to clearly communicate successful and cost effective solutions with clients. There have been many cases where forward planning, as well as training in current ecological restoration solutions, has saved Ecosure clients hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Using Ecosure’s knowledge and experience clients have been able to avoid costly mistakes and regenerate a site far more quickly. Well timed and accurate follow up weed control can mean the difference between the development and diversity of native vegetation establishing on your property and weeds out competing native plants. Accurate work and application of the most appropriate weed control techniques can quite simply mean the difference between success and failure.

Ecosure’s Ecological Restoration services

Assessment, restoration and monitoring of all vegetation types (incl. large riparian systems)

Weed and vegetation surveys

Natural and assisted regeneration

Designing and implementing vegetation monitoring programs

Ecological restoration plans

Revegetation, including habitat reconstruction

Assessing offset requirements and developing offset management plans

Training, both theoretical and practical for individuals and groups

Soil management

Erosion control

Fire management solutions (site assessment, fuel reduction, large scale weed control, ecological burns)