Company information

UKWSL UK Waste Solutions Logo

UKWSL UK Waste Solutions

Company location

Company location: United Kingdom


UKWSL provides a Cardboard and Paper service nationally, to collect and process larger volumes of source segregated cardboard and paper produced by businesses, from a single location to a multi-site national.

We have a wide range of containers within our service offering to ensure the correct size container and collection frequency is provided for your business to minimise the cost of waste collections whilst delivering environmental benefits tailored specifically for your business.

A separate Cardboard and Paper service is ideal to capture recyclable material, maximise value and ensure your compliance with legislation before sending to a recycling plant to create new products. We manage high volumes of segregated cardboard and paper, providing rebates for our customers linked to an independent industry matrix for true transparency.

What is accepted in Cardboard and Paper:

CardboardEnvelopesGlossy PaperNewspaperMagazines

Only clear or transparent bags should be used with this service, not black bags.