Certification of the Global GreenTag System

Company information

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Global GreenTag

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Company location: Australia


Global GreenTag International Pty Ltd (GreenTag) is a third-party verified ISO 14024 and ISO 17065 Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) that conducts the unique 'One-Stop' Ecospecifier Global GreenTagCertTM certification program that cuts both Manufacturers' and Green Professionals' workload and time engaged in certifying and specifying products.

Global GreenTag has been voted one of the Top 100 Most Trusted Brands in Australia several years running and is an Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) approved Certification (series) Mark undertaking product-focused environmental, health, ethical and social responsibility assessments of products and their manufacturers in accordance with this standard.

This Global GreenTagCertTM Program is assessed under the Global GreenTag International Quality Management System (QMS) which is certified to ISO 9001.

GreenTag management and employees are committed to providing independent third party, accurate product conformance assessments against this standard for all compliant products and providing excellent customer and stakeholder communication and services, as well as committing to the pursuit of continual improvement and environmental and social sustainability within our own organisation.

Global GreenTag is a registered Certification Mark in the USA and the equivalent in the EU.