Climate Positive Workforce

Company information

Play It Green Logo

Play It Green

Company location

Company location: United Kingdom


Play It Green has developed a number of products to help drive your sustainability agenda, reach net zero and create positive culture change in your business. 

Climate Positive Workforce from £5 per employee per month for which we will...

Plant 13 trees per person per month, instantly rebalancing their carbon footprint at home and 7500 annual work miles Send a newsletter every Friday to your team with a tip, articles and a sustainable discount to help create behaviour change and lower carbon footprints Pass on 10% of what you give to a good cause of your choice, so you make an environmental and social impact Provide your company with its own Forest Garden which contains all the tools to see, share and show your impact, including a free Net Zero Framework


Great Marketing

By making your workforce climate positive, you enhance your proposition and get lots of positive marketing content


Attract and Retain the Best Employees

This is now of huge importance to many and an attractive benefit to employees. A happier valued workforce is more loyal & productive

Positive Culture Change

The weekly tips educate, promote discussion and create a culture that will accelerate your business's journey to net-zero

Get Ahead of the Game

Going green is being demanded by consumers, suppliers, tenders and partners. Demand will only increase, as will green legislation

Environmental and Social Impact

Our partnership with Eden Reforestation means we use an 'employ to plant' method to plant our trees.  This means people living in extreme poverty can begin to afford daily necessities such as food, shelter, clothing, and medicine. Eden's methods have been so successful that they are now employing the second generation of families to plant, monitor, and protect our trees. By working with Play It Green you will contribute toward at least 11 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Promoting your positive impact

Your business will receive its own Forest Garden which shows your positive climate impact to date

This helps to promote your positive environmental and social impact to your employees, investors, consumers and stakeholders

You can share your Forest Garden and other infographics through all the main social media platforms to promote your positive impact

Your Forest Garden also contains a download area with a free Net Zero framework and other support material to help your business on its journey to Net Zero