Coastal environments are transient, continuously reshaped by waves, tides, surges, erosion and deposition. The competing needs of commercial, recreational and residential interests put increasing pressure on coasts around the world. In addition, the combined effect of globalisation, growing energy demand and increasing wealth requires the transportation of goods over longer distance – often by sea. To accommodate more and larger vessels, new ports and terminals are being built, and existing facilities and navigation channels are being expanded. Uncertainty about the impacts of climate change and the occurrence of extreme events means that solutions to these issues have to be flexible and adapted to work in harmony with nature – not against it.
At DHI, we've been solving complex challenges in coast and marine environments worldwide since 1964. Our comprehensive knowledge and experience, combined with advanced tools that we develop and use, gives us a unique insight. We can therefore help you work with nature and adapt human activities to achieve truly sustainable and efficient engineering work.
Our solutions combine the knowledge of natural processes with in-depth understanding of our numerical models and the data needed to set up, calibrate, and verify them. We can efficiently transform model results into sustainable engineering solutions designed to cope with the future climate. We rely on our in-house physical model testing, survey and monitoring capabilities and as well as our MIKE Powered by DHI software.