In order to maintain the aromatics and rich flavors that are crucially important to your coffee and tea products, the right packaging can make the difference between a winning SKU and a stale blend. As a category that is extremely sensitive to UV rays, moisture and oxygen, and usually has a long lifespan (1-2 years), we know that finding the right packaging manufacturer can often be one of your company’s biggest challenges.
At Futamura, we’re no strangers to the coffee and tea industry. After making the switch to NatureFlex™ compostable product packaging, our long list of customers in this space agrees that our eco-friendly cellulose films are the perfect solution for meeting their complex needs.
Whether you’re on a mission to eliminate wasteful single-use pods without compromising on convenience, or in a more traditional space looking to make sustainable choices, NatureFlex™ has everything your brand needs to extend product shelf-life and succeed. Our films provide:
An excellent aroma barrier that prevents coffee and tea from airing out
Superior oxygen and moisture protection
Anti-static properties
Opaque packaging options to eliminate UV damage
Clarity and gloss for product over-wrap