Commercial Solar PV and Farm Solar PV

Company information

Hafod Renewable Energy Ltd Logo

Hafod Renewable Energy Ltd

Company location

Company location: United Kingdom


Consumer Benefits

Reduce your business electricity bill

Improve your business carbon footprint and look more attractive to customers / suppliers

Improve profitability by reducing your overheads

Protect yourself from future energy price rises

Earn money through export payments and the government backed feed in tariff

How it works

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) modules create electrical energy when they are exposed to direct or diffused solar radiation.

This electrical energy is then synchronised with your electricity supply with the aid of an inverter and can then be consumed in your business, this is known as free electricity as the source is 100% renewable.

The Carbon payback of a solar PV­­­­ panel is approximately 2 years, this means the carbon emitted in manufacturing is paid off by the electric you generate in 2 years. A solar module will last 25-30 years.

Is my business suitable?

The following is a summary of what is generally required for a commercial solar PV Installation

Roof should face south or between south east and south west

Angle of roof can be flat or pitched

Shading issues from trees, buildings and obstacles should be minimal.

At least 30 m2 free roof space or 50m2 or land if ground mounted.­­

Grid connection 3 phase or single phase – You can install more solar on a 3 phase electric supply; we can make a G59 application to your DNO to find out what your export capacity is.

Planning considerations – The government relaxed planning on rooftop solar PV as long as the panels are less than 1m from the edge of the roof. We can advise on all aspects pf planning.