Commercial Solar PV Installation

Company information

Sunlite Group Logo

Sunlite Group

Company location

Company location: United Kingdom


At Sunlite Group, we can offer Commercial Solar PV installation on your industrial and commercial properties. 

When beginning any solar installation project, we initially carry out a desktop survey, which, if you are then happy with you will receive a forecast showing your estimated savings from your current electrical uses and costs compared to what you will save from installing Solar PV to your property. The next step from here would be for us to come out on a site visit to get you an accurate quotation for your property.

Make energy savings and a positive environmental impact

A Self-Funded project shares similar benefits as the PPA project does. You will receive a return on investment, as well as savings on your electricity costs. Not to mention, of course, the environmental benefits are the same.


Even with choosing the Commercial Solar PV, you will still get full support from us the entire way through your Solar PV process, from the survey to the design and installation stage. Here at Sunlite Group, we work with our customers to ensure they are delighted. We want you to choose the best option for you and your business. We do not put any pressure on our customers, and you are not obligated to proceed if you change your mind in this process for any reason.