Compostable Dog Poo Bags

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Bag And Boop

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Company location: United Kingdom


Say goodbye to plastic waste and that annoying sticker that tears the bag underneath with our plastic-free 100% compostable and biodegradable dog poo bags, which are beautifully encased with a recyclable kraft paper sleeve.


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100% compostable and biodegradable.

Made from renewable plant-based materials (corn starch).

Meet strict European testing standards and are EN13432 and OK HOME compost certified.

During degradation, they leave behind ZERO MICRO-PLASTICS just soil-enriching nutrients CO2 and H2O.

Suitable for both home and industrial composting.

Strong (18 microns thick) and leakproof.

Large size - 230mm x 330mm.

Unscented and chemical-free - zero synthetic perfumes used to mask/hide the odour.

Unlike biodegradable bags, Our compostable bags have to meet strict European testing standards and are EN13432, OK HOME compost and Din Certco certified. Meaning that within 12 weeks no more than 10% of the original material remains in pieces bigger than 2mm, along with zero contamination of the soil. *Within ideal composting conditions.


We're the first and only UK Compostable dog poop bag company to say goodbye to sticker sabotage, thanks to our kraft paper sleeve that encases each roll. #saynotostickersabotage