Confidential Shredding Management

Company information

Remade Recycling Logo

Remade Recycling

Company location

Company location: South Africa


Your confidential recyclable materials are handled with the utmost care and discretion. We have implemented a strict policy on how confidential material is processed, which we have outlined here as transparently as possible.

Our confidential shredding process includes:

We place lockable, slotted bins onsite with recorded seals.

Once the bin is full, we collect these sealed bins and transport them to the shredding facility at the nearest Remade Recycling branch.

Each bin is weighed, the seal is broken under CCTV surveillance, and the bin is emptied before being reweighed in its empty state.

The confidential material is immediately moved to the shredder where shredding is completed under CCTV surveillance.

This shredded material is moved to the baling process and a destruction certificate is issued to you.