Construction Environmental Services

Company information

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Company location: Australia


Clients such as BMA, Lend Lease, John Holland, Thiess, Abi Group, Fulton Hogan, Roads and Maritime Services, the Department of Transport and Main Roads and Hazell Bros have engaged Ecosure’s certified environmental engineers to take control of their environmental responsibilities throughout major projects.


As a environmental consultancy, Ecosure has proven expertise across a range of private and public construction projects in New South Wales and Queensland. Projects include a multi-billion dollar coal mine development, major road infrastructure projects, subdivision works and various other building projects. Ecosure has also provided detailed assessment and witness statements on potential matters of environmental harm in court situations

With more than 20 years’ experience and understanding of legislative requirements, Ecosure’s environmental engineers have developed a reputation for exceptional quality. Our approach to safety continues to be recognised by multinational clients as industry leading. With links to experts in complementary fields, Ecosure can provide a full environmental service at multiple points in the job life cycle, regardless of project size or location.

Ecosure has environmental engineers that are certified professional erosion and sediment control (CPESC) under the international erosion control association (IECA); and infrastructure sustainability accredited professional (ISAP) under the Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia (ISCA).

Ecosure’s proven success sees a focus on effectively managing and minimising environmental disruption in a highly practical and cost effective way. We strive to be on the front foot to anticipate regulatory requirements at the beginning of the project helping to reduce the risks of future delays. Ecosure’s strong credibility within the industry allows the team to develop trust with regulators and set the foundation for a construction process free of unforeseen environmental issues.

Ecosure’s  Construction Environmental Services includes:

Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMP)

Erosion and Sediment Control Plans (ESCP)

Certificated Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC)

Infrastructure Sustainability Accredited Professional (ISAP)

Environmentally Relevant Activities (ERA) under Environmental Protection Regulations 2008 and SARA state code 22.

Environmental monitoring, management and on-ground works

Expert assessment and witness statements ob environmental harm under the Environmental Protection Act 1994.

Environmental compliance and auditing

Full-time environmental site representatives

Fauna Spotter Catchers (FSC) services

Water quality monitoring

Air and noise quality monitoring

Restoration planning and project delivery