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Green Roof Plants Logo

Green Roof Plants

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Company location: United States


Our team can provide real-world plant solutions for your green roof projects.

Green roofs are a living construction element, thus, plant palettes cannot be treated as “cut and paste” across projects, as is the case, for many hardscape details. Roof loads, project budgets, design intent, client goals, and construction access must all be considered.  Climatic differences can vary immensely from one geographic location to another, and micro-climates found on the roofs of individual buildings should be considered when making plant choices.

Green Roof Consulting for Your Project

We are widely experienced green roof consultants and have worked with architects, designers, installers, and maintenance professionals, on green roofs in all geographic regions of the lower 48 states, as well as internationally, in England, France, China, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, and Morocco. Our knowledge and experience have been sought on green roof projects from garden sheds and penthouse roofs in the private sector, to multi-acre, large-scale government properties; from complex research projects with recognized organizations, to functional stormwater management roofs for commercial properties.  We have been involved in all stages of the green roof construction process, including pre-planning concept designs, plant list and drawing review, to trouble-shooting maintenance procedures.

Right plant, right place is truly critical, for the challenging conditions found on roofs. Our team can provide real-world plant solutions for your green roof projects.