Contaminated Land Assessments

Company information

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Eva and Associates

Company location

Company location: Australia


Land-ContaminationLand contaminated with hazardous substances such as heavy metals, pesticides and hydrocarbons pose a risk to human health and the environment. Land contamination can occur as a result of poor environmental management and waste disposal practices, use of contaminated land fill , leaking underground storage tanks and accidental spills in industrial, agricultural or commercial  activities.

Service stations, chemical plants, tanneries, cattle dips, fuel and oil storage, foundries and landfills are industries or common land users often associated with site contamination. Current Contaminated Land Management legislation ensures such land occupants are obligated to identify, notify and manage contaminated land.

Eva and Associates Pty Ltd provide the following services associated with contaminated sites:

Site contamination assessments

Preparation of remedial action plans (RAP) and site management plans

Validation sampling and reporting

Remediation project management

Advice on remediation technology

Environmental air, noise, and water monitoring

Trade waste monitoring