Eco-Services / Corporate Environmental Policy

Company information

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Company location

Company location: United Kingdom


A strategic approach to energy and environmental management within an organization undoubtedly delivers sustainable improvements in corporate performance and tangible financial benefits –notably through significant reductions in energy and utility bills.

Furthermore, a considerable number of the LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations & Management and BREEAM-in-Use credits can be earned through a strong and functional corporate energy policy.

EcoConsulting helps your organization establish its: 
     • Medium-to-long term corporate environmental Objectives 
     • Concrete energy, water, and waste reduction Goals 
     • Actionable Commitments 
     • Detailed action plans and Procedures 
     • Specific energy consumption Targets 
     • Monitoring & control systems and follow-up Reports

Furthermore, EcoConsulting helps your company or institution develop an effective Corporate Environmental Policy [CEP], following a step-by-step procedure:

1) An environmental audit to assess existing working practices
2) Feasibility study of all possible environmental measures that could be implemented, and advice on the most cost-effective and suitable ones
3) Implementation of concrete measures such as waste management, water consumption reduction, energy reduction, responsible and healthier materials purchasing, etc…
4) Development of the CEP with clear commitments and action plan to be communicated internally and externally
5) Undertaking a full in-house Environmental Awareness Campaign or corporate environmental event to communicate the CEP to all employees
6) Monitoring of the results with follow-up reports on the achieved improvements


Importance of CEP


Studies have proved that a well-designed CEP will have an important impact on the: 
     •  Image and reputation of the company as socially and environmentally responsible
     •  Financial performance as energy, water, & materials reduction will decrease operating costs 
     •  Boosting of staff motivation as they work in a healthier environment, and for an ethically and socially responsible company  
     •  The organization’s employees becoming advocates for “green practices” outside their work environment