Cradle to Cradle Service

Company information

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Company location: United Kingdom


Today, the gold standard in circular, product certification for material health is Cradle to Cradle Certified™ because C2C® independently tests the toxicity of product ingredients at the microbiological level and rigorously completes assessments across five categories, so consumers finally have an holistic certification standard that is second-to-none for:   material health, water and energy stewardship, social fairness and re-use cycling.

This is why the 540 WORLD Partners all run independent C2C® service businesses and aim to create easy access to C2C products for consumers and industry.  540 WORLD is for people who want to engage in the harm-free, non-toxic world of C2C®  -  infinitely positive for people and planet.  We deal with product developers, manufacturers, consumers, responsible businesses and institutions.  We aim to educate and onboard the world to regenerative, sustainable, innovative design science, perfected by nature.  

For harm-free, non-toxic products, Cradle to Cradle® is the most holistic, sustainable, circular certification in the world because of their rigorous, five-fold design framework standards - water and energy conservation and stewardship; social fairness which eliminates child labour and modern slavery; material health assessments at microbiological level for harm-free, planet-saving ingredients; closed-loop, circular thinking for re-use and recycling where waste is eliminated and designed as a resource, remaining in either the biological or technical cycle and where the certification is required every two years and for improvements to be made biennially too.

This rigour ensures that Cradle to Cradle® products are truly planet-positive in design, manufacture and use.