Circulating warm water caused via cooling condensers is tapped through the hot water distribution piping directly into the cooling tower. The upper water basin located normally on top of the vertically layered PVC Infills containing with holes and nozzles at the bottom side are utilized to distribute water equally over the infills through gravity force. Outside air flows horizontally through the layered infills from both sides and perpendicular to the water flowing downward resulting a cross flow interaction of air and water in which the induced air takes out the warm vapor and cools the hot water hence the heat transfer process occurs. The warm air inside is then being pulled out by an electric motor-driven cooling tower fan. The colder water collected in the lower water basin gets pumped back to the cooling condensers and reiterates the process to constantly cooldown the condensers.
Key Features
The key features of this cross flow type are as follows:
(1) Removal / cleaning / maintenance of foreign matter is easy and accessible
(2) Visual inspection / Checking of the PVC Infill condition is visible thru the louvers
(3) Inspection door installed for quick access inside the structure
(4) Lower initial and long-term cost due to pump requirements
Cooling Tower Structure
Safety Railing
Fan Belt & Cover
Fan Casing
Internal Pipe
PVC Infill
Casing Plate
Internal Frame Support
Inspection Door
Water Basin
Make-Up Water Pipe
External Lower Frame Support