Cyclones & Multicyclones Dust Collector

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Company location: Australia


At Fowlerex, we are experts in the design and application of cyclones and multicyclones for dust control or product collection.

The Fowlerex multicyclone is the Australian industry standard multicyclone. It is a proven performer in a large number of applications. These include boiler emission control, cement plants, lime kilns, asphalt plants, milling circuits and grinding operations. Fowlerex multicyclone units are low cost, low maintenance and in standard form are suitable for operating at temperatures up to 400°C.

Fowlerex also has a range of single cyclones that are usually used as product collectors or pre-collectors prior to second stage dust collection. Single cyclones may also be used as spark arrestors.

With our cyclone and multicyclone dust collectors, Australian clients can be confident their business will be free from hazardous materials or chemicals, and ensure they meet the necessary health and safety standards of their industry.

Fowlerex cyclones are available in a wide range of materials including special abrasion-resistant materials. Fowlerex also supplies stainless steel cyclones suitable for food and pharmaceutical applications.

When they want to know they are getting a premium product at a competitive price, clients from across Australia know to browse the extensive range of cyclones on offer here at Fowlerex.