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Company location: Singapore


Davco K10 Green Sheet R is a high performance, multi-layer, fabric reinforced, waterproofing system that allows for high build up thickness to overcome unevenness of concrete roof surfaces, forming a flexible and yet tough waterproofing membrane with enhanced durability. It is available in various colours and accessible to light foot traffic, making it ideal for waterproofing of concrete flat roof area. Davco K10 Green Sheet R can be installed using a special spray equipment or roller. It is specially formulated to be fast drying, increasing productivity and reducing the risk of membrane being wash out due to suddenly occurence of rain on site during installation.



Waterproofing of old and new roofs as an exposed or concealed system.

Refurbishment of old tile surfaces, concrete roofs and concrete gutters without the need to hack.

A greener and safer alternative system, to torch on membranes. It achieves high build up thickness with 2 coats (minimum), and an optional reinforcement mesh where high tensile strength is required.

Rejuvenate existing torch on waterproofing in existing buildings.

Can be applied to concrete, metal and clay roof tiles.


Rapid drying and curing

Easy to apply and sprayable

Increases productivity, reduces manpower and time.

Bridge cracks and remains flexible in harsh weather condition.

Resistant to ultra violet rays, mould & fungus.

Available in various colours