DENTTABS Toothpaste Tablets

Company information

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my little green dot

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Company location: Singapore


DENTTABS teethcleaning tablets are THE sustainable alternative to toothpaste. They are 100% plastic-free, ecological and free from preservatives, artificial stabilizers and any other unnecessary ingredients!

Using DENTTABS does not brush your teeth but polishes them naturally through finest micro cellulose. This does not only make your teeth shiny – the smooth surfaces are not subject to dental plaque. Without dental plaque, calculus and cavities have no chance.

The fluoride contained in the formulation is more effective than conventional toothpaste. The use of DENTTABS requires the use of a soft toothbrush - hard scrubbing is a thing of the past.

Quantity: 125 tablets (2 months supply per person, assuming brushing twice a day)