Design Assessments & Systems Sizing Calculations

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Greenlite Building Physics

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Company location: United Kingdom


One model. A multitude of uses.

A simulation need not only be used for a single task. Why not maximise the investment in geometric modelling for compliance purposes by employing the same model in further design tasks?

A thermal model can be used for a multitude of design tasks, reducing repetition – reducing cost.

HVAC systems are often sized based upon steady-state sizing formula which do not necessarily take into account the entirety of the building’s behaviour. Where HVAC systems are required for space cooling in particular, a full understand of solar gains, thermal mass, ventilation rates and so forth are necessary in order to accurately size mechanical cooling systems. This can only effectively be done using a thermal simulation.

Where a thermal simulation is not carried out, the result can be systems which are either over-sized; incurring unnecessary expense, or under sized; resulting in poor performance. Engineered design solutions can be achieved through the use of a thermal simulation, allowing equipment to be sized appropriately.

Likewise, significant cost savings can be made for example to a cooling system where a glazing specification is altered, or the area of glazing reduced. The inclusion of daylight dimming controls to lighting may yield a reduction in the installed cooling capacity; providing a cost saving, but this may only be established via a thermal model.

The same geometric information used for compliance models can also be put to use for a variety of different tasks, including:

Part L1A Compliance Assessments

Part L2A Compliance Assessments

Overheating Analysis

Heating & Cooling Systems Sizing

HVAC Systems modelling

Design Evaluations