Dryer Balls

Company information

Good Sheet for the Planet Logo

Good Sheet for the Planet

Company location

Company location: Australia


Does it rain a lot where you are? It sure does here.. and whilst I hate to to use the dryer, sometimes it's a necessity. To feel better about it, I use these.

Woollen dryer balls.

Added to your washing in the dryer, they reduce the time it takes to dry by about 25%, which reduces your energy consumption AND they help take out the wrinkles!! They replace dryer sheets, which are a single use plastic item and can they be reused over and over.

They work by helping to absorb the moisture out of your clothes and allowing better circulation of the hot air in your dryer, simply place in the bundle of clothes and let them work their magic.

They retain heat, but they also help clothes stay separated in the dryer so air can flow more freely. For small to medium-sized loads, 3 balls should get the job done. For larger loads, you can use 5-7 balls. For extra-large loads, you may want to go as high as 8-12 balls. These are just general guidelines; the more balls you use, the shorter time it will take to dry your laundry.

Drop a little of your favorite essential oil to scent your laundry as it dries, we suggest you drop it on about an hour before use. You can re-scent them every 4-5 uses.

Storing them is easy, just make sure they are in a well-ventilated area so they can dry out.

Feel good info: these dryer balls are created by hand by a women's group in Nepal, your purchase not only helps the planet, but also helps their families.