Company information

Healtheclean Logo


Company location

Company location: Australia


  • A true pH neutral, non-corrosive, non-fuming detergent.
  • 100% natural and readily biodegradable.
  • Does not contain hazardous, toxic or polluting ingredients, such as petroleum distillates, butyl ether, ammonia, chlorine, phosphates, benzene, pine oil or strong acids.
  • Contains non-polluting water softening agents that extend the suds and cleaning life of mixed product up to three times longer than traditional products of this kind.
  • Will continue to work in cold or grease laden water.
  • Begins to work as soon as it is mixed with water, it cuts though baked on carbon with a minimum of pre- soaking, saving time and labour.
  • Has a pleasant natural citrus scent without the use of synthetic perfumes.