Earth Mail Pack

Company information

Earth Packaging Co Logo

Earth Packaging Co

Company location

Company location: Australia


Small: 354 X 220mm 

Medium: 385 X 265mm

Large: 405 X 310mm

X-Large: 510 X 435mm


I'll break down within your home compost! Not only that:

I have a stylish matte white finish with black graphics that tell my recipients all about how to handle me!

You can use me with your current courier service or let us suggest a carbon neutral option for you!

I am made from annually renewable resources such as corn.

I’m flat (i.e.. no gusset, but some stretch) with a 30mm flap (not included in the bag sizes) and self-seal strip. 

I behave just like a traditional plastic envelope EXCEPT I'll make like a tree & leave!