Eco Design Architects Consultancy

Company information

Eco Design Architects Logo

Eco Design Architects

Company location

Company location: South Africa


Eco Design Architects offers a full architectural service as well as specialist building services  and a green   building consultancy . In addition to the ecological approach to design and construction, as outlined in our Manifesto for Green Architecture, in summary the typical work stages of the service include the following:

Stage 1: Appraisal and Definition of Project

Liaise with client to define and confirm brief

Visit the site

Establish local council requirements

Co-ordinate with necessary consultants (engineer, land surveyor, quantity surveyor or any other specialist consultants required.)

Collate necessary site info

Meet with client if necessary

Stage 2: Design Concept

Prepare initial set of sketch plans

Liaise with client to review design and re-appraise Stage 1 brief

Stage 3: Design Development

Develop initial sketch plans

Co-ordinate with structural engineer

Liaise with client and review design and brief as required

Refine design to establish final agreed sketch plan

Stage 4a: Council Submission

Prepare necessary documentation and drawings based on final sketch plan for council submission

Client liaison

Submit to council for approval & administer approval process

Stage 4b: Working Drawings and Documentation

Prepare set of detail drawings and specifications for construction & tender purposes

Client & consultant liaison as required

Call for tenders

Stage 5: Contract Administration and Site Inspections

Issue & award tender/s i.e. contract building team.

Administer contract, issue site instructions.

Act as principle agent between the builder/s and client.

Control the issuing and amendments to all contract documentation.

Regular site inspections and certification of drawings and contract documents.

Assist builder/s in interpretation of drawings and contract documents.

Inspect for defects & certify works and issue payment as well as final completion certificates.

Close and finalize snags and reconcile payments.