A low-cost general purpose 100% natural fibre erosion control net that ensures long-term surface stability on problem slopes and banks. Ecomerchant Jute Netting 500 offers a high degree of soil retention, before biodegrading completely to add to the organic content of the soil after sufficient time has passed for natural vegetation to establish and protect the soil from future erosion.
Ecomerchant Jute 500 has anticipated decomposition longevity of between 12 to 24months
Slows water run-off and provides excellent silt collection which aids natural vegetation and long-term embankment regeneration.
Simple to install and allows for planting through the mesh matrix.
Ideal for establishing grass or direct sowing on problem slopes
Provides shade and protection from the sun and drying effect of the winds to assist in the establishment of grasses and to reinforce the root system until it has reached full bio-mass.