EcoStruxure Power Monitoring Software

Company information

Schneider Electric USA Logo

Schneider Electric USA

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Company location: United States


Power monitoring made simple

Our award-winning power monitoring software gives insight into electrical system health and energy efficiency so you can make informed decisions that improve performance. Convert data into action and unlock your system’s full potential with advanced energy visualization and analysis tools.

Benefits of EcoStruxure Power Monitoring Expert

Safety - Keep people and assets safer. Monitor breaker protection settings, detect abnormal conditions that risk safety, and locate insulation faults.

Reliability- Understand event cause with advanced power forensics, identify patterns, monitor protection settings, and track system capacity to avoid overloads.

Efficiency- Perform formal audits, metrics analyses and cost allocation to evaluate operations, reveal and validate savings and identify abnormal energy usage.

Compliance- Aggregate data across processes, generate compliance reports that meet regulatory standards, identify KPIs, and comply with common IT practices.

Perfect for your business


Improving the performance of buildings – financial, energy or otherwise – is always top priority.

With EcoStruxure Power Monitoring Expert, building operators can:

Reduce maintenance costs and energy consumption, increases equipment life span, occupant comfort, and productivity. 

Predict future energy consumption based on external temperature, occupancy, and other variables. 

Establish energy efficiency benchmarks and make informed decisions that reduce energy consumption to improve your building's energy performance.

Data Centers

Ensuring 24/7 operations places power network reliability, efficiency and compliance among the most serious issues data centers face today. Unplanned power outages average over a million dollars in losses plus a compromised reputation

With EcoStruxure Power Monitoring Expert, Data Center facility operators can:

Provide maximum uptime and total visibility into your power system.

Restore power quickly and safely after a crisis.

Improve data center performance without compromising power availability or reliability. 

Ensure business continuity in any circumstance


Power is a critical component of production and can affect profitability and competitiveness.

With EcoStruxure Power Monitoring Expert, industrial facility operators can:

Mitigate risk and increases productivity. 

Compare energy efficiency across buildings, plants, and process lines. 

Analyze energy consumption by load type, analyze facility energy performance and ensure energy efficiency compliance.

Enable proactive maintenance to ensure safety and simplify power quality monitoring and analysis to protect sensitive equipment


Critical infrastructure networks like air, rail and water transportation are complex. They must operate safely, reliably and efficiently with regulatory compliance.

With EcoStruxure Power Monitoring Expert, transportation operators can:

Easily integrate the software into existing critical systems, as well as to be open and scalable. 

Track real-time and historic data, manage proactive maintenance schedules, and monitor facilities, assets, and power network functionality to ensure maximum uptime and efficiency.