EcoStruxure Power Operation Software

Company information

Schneider Electric USA Logo

Schneider Electric USA

Company location

Company location: United States


Energy supply management software for electro-intensive sites (formerly EcoStruxure Power SCADA Operation)

No matter the size or complexity, every part of your electrical system needs to provide reliable power, 24/7. Your team needs continuous visibility into every risk, and the ability to react immediately.

The operator’s ultimate software

Built for the complexities of your power network

EcoStruxure Power Operation is the only software platform with the digital intelligence capable of delivering the new efficiencies needed for our modern electrical networks.

Improved power availability

Avoid unplanned downtime and recover quickly when the unexpected happens via real time analytics and automation.

Increased efficiency

Maintain operational efficiency, maximize business continuity, and reduce energy usage and costs for greater sustainability.

Open connectivity

Simplify and accelerate integration with both EcoStruxure and third-party products and systems via a variety of industry standard communication protocols.

Features of EcoStruxure Power Operation

Digital substation modeling

With third-party certified IEC 61850 compliance, EcoStruxure Power Operation unites low- and medium-voltage power control and integrates mechanical monitoring to simplify operational efficiency.

Modern HMI

Improve situational awareness and turn data into useful actions by providing operators remote connectivity to access the system anytime, anywhere.

Cybersecurity and IT compliance

Designed with cybersecurity in mind. In 2021, EcoStruxure Power Operation became the first software in the world to achieve 3rd party certification against the global cybersecurity standard IEC 62443 4-2 at the SL2 level.

Power events analysis

Machine learning algorithms and automation speed analysis dramatically reduce the time needed to understand the cause and impact of cascading and chronic power system events, helping to respond appropriately and prevent future issues.