
Company information

ActivaBas Logo


Company location

Company location: United States


Data Collection Simplified

Let EnerData improve your data collection process for improved insights. ActiveBAS can help you to gather, merge, and reconcile data from a variety of different sources.

One Data Collection Tool

No longer will you have to struggle with collecting data from multiple sources on your own. Our EnerData platform is intelligently designed to collect data from both internal and external sources to provide you with a comprehensive energy use profile. Our system incorporates both internal and external data into one simple to use dashboard.



Utility Meters



And More...

Easily View Data

Typically if you want to view data on all your systems and equipment you’ll need to look in multiple places. Allow EnerData to collate this information for you on our dashboard that’s easy to use. We help you to save time and money by simplifying the process of energy data management.

Make Decisions With Ease

With ActiveBAS making decisions is easy. We place all your energy data in one location so you can view energy key performance indicators and other reports simply on our dashboard. With all this information ready and waiting for you the decision-making process goes faster and is more fully informed.