Understand the possibilities
Our Enhabit energy surveys are carried out by our team of building physics engineers using our experience in low energy and Passivhaus building standards.
The survey is tailor-made to suit your requirements giving you a firm grounding in the future energy-saving potential of your property, and for future developments such as loft conversions and extensions.
What we do
The report consists of a site survey in which your building and your energy use profile will be analysed. This includes assessment of:
the building fabric elements that make up the thermal envelope
heat loss through uncontrolled and controlled ventilation
the energy efficiency of your heating system
your energy bills, in order to benchmark your property’s energy demand against various industry standards
your property’s suitability for renewable energy generation.
Recommendations cover reducing your heating demand, saving you money on your bills and increasing the comfort of your property.
When to start
You can get an energy survey any time, even if you don’t have plans to renovate. Often the best time is just after you purchase a property.
The ideal time to implement low energy measures is as you are conducting renovation or remedial work, and this report will allow you to make the right decisions in the most cost-effective and beneficial way.